


学习经历1982.09—1986.07就读于betway官方app 生物系生物学专业,获得理学学士学位;1992.09—1995.07就读于华中师范大学政法学院思想政治教育专业,获得法学硕士学位;2007.09—2013.07就读于华中科技大学社会学系社会学专业,获得法学博士学位。

工作简历1986.7-1995.7betway官方app 生物系工作;

1995.7-2004.6betway官方app 法学院党委副书记;

2004.07—2005.11,betway官方app 社会科学教学部、社会工作系党总支书记;

2005.11—2008.10,betway官方app 新联学院院长;

2008.10—2012.08,betway官方app 公共事务学院党委书记;

2012.08—2016.04,betway官方app 社会事业学院党委书记;

2016.04—2020.06,betway官方app 社会事业学院院长。








3.发表论文:在《青年研究》、《中国青年研究》、《社会科学战线》、《课程.教材.教法》等学术刊物上发表论文140篇,其中二级学科顶尖、cssci及核心以上期刊论文84篇,被新华文摘、北京大学学报文摘及人大报刊复印资料转载21篇,被引频次476次,其中“ ‘80’后现象的归因及对策分析”单篇被引超过100次。



承担本科生“青少年社会学”、“青少年犯罪学”“思想道德修养与法律基础”等4门课程,承担研究生 “思想政治教育理论与方法”、“青少年成长研究”、“比较德育”、“社会治理基础理论”等5门课程,年均教学工作量超过360学时。获省级优秀课程学科带头人,河南省“黄大年优秀教学团队”负责人。

Essential Information of Gao Zhongjian

Gao Zhong jian, male, born in December of 1962 in Nanyang of Henan province, is a Professor (T2), Doctor and Doctor Supervisor. Since graduated from Henan Normal University (HNU) in June 1986, he has served as Deputy Secretary of CPC (Communist Party of China) of Law School, Secretary of CPC of School of Public Affairs, Dean of Xinlian School of HNU, and now as the Dean of School of Sociology ofHNU, hold a concurrent post of Director of Key Research Base of Humanities and Social Sciences (Youth Issues Research Centre) of General Higher Education in Henan Province.

First, Basic Information.

Education experience

Sept. 1982 –July1986, Biology,Department of Biology, Henan Normal University, Bachelor of Science.

Sept. 1992 – July 1995, Ideological and Political Education,School of Political Science and Law, Huazhong Normal University, Master of Law.

Sept. 2007 – July 2013, Sociology, Department of Sociology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Doctor of Law.

Work experience

July 1986 – Sept. 1995, Staff of Department of Biology ofHNU.

July 1995 – June 2004, Deputy Secretary of CPC of Law School ofHNU.

July 2004 –Nov. 2005, Secretary of Party General Branch in Social Science Teaching Department and Department of Social Work ofHNU.

Nov. 2005 – Oct. 2008, Dean of Xinlian School ofHNU.

Oct. 2008 – Aug. 2012, Secretary of CPC of School of Public Affairs ofHNU.

Aug. 2012 – Apr. 2016, Secretary of CPC of School of Sociology ofHNU.

Apr. 2016 – Now, Dean of School of Sociology ofHNU.

Concurrent academic posts

President of Henan Youth Research Association, Member of Teaching Steering Committee of Sociology of the Ministry of Education, Director of Chinese Sociology Research Council, Director of Chinese Youth Research Association, Director of periodical office of Chinese Youth Research, Vice president of Henan Ethic Society, Standing Director of Henan Family Education Research Association, Standing Director of Henan provincial Council on Social Work Education, Vice president of Xinxiang Sociology Society.

Awards and honorary titles

Winner of Outstanding Contribution Award of China Youth Research, Expert of National Social Science Fund Communication Review and Achievement Appraisal, Leader of Key Disciplines of Sociology in Henan, Expert of Henan Provincial Youth Research Advisory Committee, Special Researcher of Henan Provincial Youth Research Institute, Academic and Technical Leader of Henan Provincial Education Department, Middle-aged and Young Backbone Teacher in Henan province, Excellent Teacher in Henan, Talent of “Four Types” in Henan (theoretical circle), Advanced Worker of Higher Education Management in Henan Province, “Civilized Teacher of Henan Province”.

Second, Academic Researches.

Main research areas

Sociology and youth issues.

Major academic contributions

1.Projects:He presided over 2 national-level projects "Research on the Construction of Social Identity and Participation in Social Construction of the Post-80s New Generation in China", 8 provincial-level projects “Research of youth problem in social transformation period”, “Building a harmonious society in Henan and guaranteeing youngsters' rights and interests”, “A study on the intervention of non-governmental organizations in the perspective of juvenile rights protection” (by Central Committee of the Communist Youth League of China) etc., and10 departmental level projects such as Major research topics of philosophy and social science of the Education Department of “A study on the income and consumption behavior of the new generation peasant workers”.

2. Awards: He won 16 awards for various scientific research achievements, including 1 first prize, 3 second prizes and 2 third prizes for Outstanding Achievements in Social Sciences in Henan Province, besides, he won 1 second prizes and 1 third prizes for Henan Provincial Excellent Achievements in Practical Social Sciences, as well as 3 second prizes for Henan Teaching and Research Achievement Excellence Award.

3. Published papers: He has published 140 thesis in such academic journals as Youth Research, China Youth Research, Social Science Front, Curriculum&Teaching Materials& Teaching Law, 84 of which are published on Top journal of second-level disciplines, CSSCI, Core journalsand journals of higher level, and 21 of them are reprinted by Xinhua Digest, Journal of Peking University Digest and Duplicated Materials of People's University. The frequency of citation was 476 times, and “The Attribution and Countermeasure Analysis of Post-80s Phenomenon” were cited more than 100 times.

4. Published books: He has published 13 books of all kinds, 5 of which are monograph, such asStudy on Social Identity and Participation in Social Constructionof Post-80s Youth (by People's Publishing House), Research on The Income and Consumption Behavior of the New Generation of MigrantWorkers (by Social Sciences Academic Press), Study on Juvenile Delinquency in Social Transition Period (by Jiangxi People's Publishing House), and A Study of Contemporary Teenagers' Problems and Countermeasures (by Central Compilation & Translation Press).

Third, Teaching.

He teaches 4 undergraduate courses such as“Youth Sociology”, “juvenile criminology”, “Moral Education and Law Fundamentals” and 5 postgraduate courses: “Theory and Method of Ideological and Political Education”, “Research on Adolescent Growth” “Comparative Moral Education” “Basic Theory of Social Governance”, for example, in which case his annual teaching work exceeds 360 lessons.

He was awarded the Provincial Excellent Academic Leader of the Course, and the Director of “Huang Danian Excellent Teaching Team” of Henan Province.

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