


申战辉,男,1985年生,中共党员。2008年毕业于山西大学环境工程专业,获工学学士学位,2010年毕业于南京理工大学环境工程专业,获工学硕士学位;2013年毕业于南京大学环境工程专业,获工学博士位。2013年至今,于betway官方app 环境学院从事教学和科研工作。工作以来,承担国家自然科学基金1项、河南省教育厅重点研究项目1项、河南省博士后一等资助1项,betway官方app 青年基金1项。发表学术论文10余篇,申报国家发明专利20余项。





1. 城市污水生化处理出水中有机物对循环冷却水系统中矿物结垢、微生物结垢和金属腐蚀过程的作用及机理,国家自然科学基金,23万,主持。

2. 城市污水生化处理出水中有机物对冷却水系统结垢和腐蚀的影响,河南省博士后一等资助,10万,主持。

3. 选择性同步去除二级出水中硝酸盐/磷酸盐复合功能树脂制备及机理,河南省教育厅重点研究项目,3万,主持。

4. 3D多孔Cu/Pd双金属电极制备及城市污水电催化深度脱硝研究,betway官方app 青年科学基金项目,6万,主持。



1. Shi J, Gao Y, Zang L, Shen Z*, Peng G. Performance of Pd/Sn catalysts supported by chelating resin prestoring reductant for nitrate reduction in actual water. Environmental Research, 2021, 201: 111577.

2. Shen Z, Peng G, Shi J, Ya G. A new supported Cu/Pd bimetallic nanoparticles composites prestoring reductant for nitrate removal: high reactivity and N-2 selectivity. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021, 28(37): 51786-51794.

3. Shen Z, Peng G, Gao Y, Shi J. Pd-In bimetallic nanoparticles supported on chelating resin for nitrate removal from water: high efficiency and low NH4+ selectivity. Environmental Science-Water Research & Technology, 2021, 7(6): 1078-1089.

4. Shen Z, Liu D, Peng G, Ma Y, Li J, Shi J, Peng J, Ding L. Electrocatalytic reduction of nitrate in water using Cu/Pd modified Ni foam cathode: High nitrate removal efficiency and N-2-selectivity. Separation and Purification Technology, 2020, 241: 116743.

5. Shen Z, Liu D, Dong X, Shi J, Ma Y, Fan J, Zhang L. Nitrate Reduction Using Iron and Copper Bimetallic Nanoparticles Supported by Chelating Resin: Effect of Solution Chemistry, Mechanism, and Regeneration. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2020, 146(4): 04020011.

6. Shi J, Ma Y, Shen Z*, Liu D, Long C, Zhang X, Shi J, Wang C. Fe-Pd Bimetallic Composites Supported by Resins for Nitrate Reduction: Role of Surface Functional Groups in Controlling Rate and Selectivity. Environmental Engineering Science, 2019, 36(3): 295-304.

7. Shen Z, Zhang S, Dong X, Shi J, Fan J, Li J. Inhibition effect of dissolved organic matter in secondary-treated municipal wastewater on corrosion of N80 carbon steel. Water Supply, 2019, 19(6): 1653-1660.

8. Shen Z, Dong X, Shi J, Ma Y, Liu D, Fan J. Simultaneous removal of nitrate/phosphate with bimetallic nanoparticles of Fe coupled with copper or nickel supported on chelating resin. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26(16): 16568-16576.

9. Shen Z, Zhang K, Si M, Liu M, Zhuo S, Liu D, Ren L, Yan X, Shi Y. Synergy of lignocelluloses pretreatment by sodium carbonate and bacterium to enhance enzymatic hydrolysis of rice straw. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 249: 154-160.

10. Shen Z, Shi J, Zhang S, Fan J, Li J. Effect of optimized three-component antiscalant mixture on calcium carbonate scale deposition. Water Science and Technology, 2017, 75(2): 255-262.

11. 申战辉, 史嘉璐, 樊静负载型纳米Fe/Ni材料同步去除水中硝酸盐/磷酸盐. 工业水处理. 2017, 37(05): 53-57.

12. Shen Z, Ren H, Xu K, Geng J, Ding L. Inhibition effect of phosphorus-based chemicals on corrosion of carbon steel in secondary-treated municipal wastewater. Water Science and Technology, 2013, 67(11): 2412-2417.

13. Shen Z, Li J, Xu K, Ding L, Ren H. The effect of synthesized hydrolyzed polymaleic anhydride (HPMA) on the crystal of calcium carbonate. Desalination, 2012, 284: 238-244.


1. 用于维生素C二级生化出水处理及回用的方法及系统,ZL201110423558.7

2. 一种用于循环冷却水系统的缓蚀剂性能评价装置及方法,ZL201210130590.0

3. 一种适用于循环冷却水系统的阻垢剂性能评价方法,ZL201210178531.0

4. 一种污染水体原位修复装置及其方法,ZL201410248342.5

5. 一种用于污染水体原位修复的微生物-植物复合净化方法,CN105347617A

6. 一种膜生物水处理系统及方法,CN105731637A

7. 一种生化水处理剩余污泥的处理回用方法,CN105585108A

8. 一种用于发制品废水的氨氮回收系统及其运行方法,CN105858843A

9. 一种臭氧氧化水处理系统的运行方法及装置,CN105858864A

10. 一种城市污水深度处理及回用与循环冷却水系统的方法,CN105858967A

11. 一种液态化学反应体系的集气方法,CN105413587A

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