








yangqx66@163.com; yangqx@htu.edu.cn


杨清香,河南省洛阳市人,19886月参加工作,博士, 教授,博士生导师,校特聘教授,betway官方app 生命科学学院微生物学学科带头人,教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”获得者,河南省杰出创新青年计划获得者,河南省杰出创新人才计划获得者,河南省教育厅学术技术带头人,中国生态学会微生物生态专业委员会委员。国家自然科学基金的通讯评审专家,国际多家SCI期刊评审专家,河南省“师德标兵”获得者,河南省“五一”劳动奖章获得者。主讲本科生的《微生物学 》、《环境微生物学》等课程;研究生的《现代微生物学进展》、《环境工程微生物学》、《微生物生态学》等课程。





1.2007-2009兽药抗生素对小麦根际微生物生态系统的影响及分子机制研究,国家自然科学基金,28万元,No. 20677014,主持人,已完成;








9.噬菌体用于污泥膨胀和污泥减量的控制技术研究,2014-2015, 50万,主持人,在研;




1. Qingxiang Yang, Hao Zhang, Xueling Li, et al., Extracellular enzyme production and phylogenetic distribution of yeasts. Bioresource Technology 129 (2013) 264–273.

2. Qingxiang Yang, Siwei Ren, Tianqi Niu, et al., Distribution of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in chicken manure and manure-fertilized vegetables, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 21:1231–1241, 2014.

3. Qingxiang Yang, Jia Wang, Hongxin Hao, et al., Analysis of the bacterial community in a full-scale printing & dyeing wastewater treatment system based on T-RFLP and 45 pyrosequencing. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, 2014, 19:191-200.

4. Qingxiang Yang, Jia Wang, Hongtao Wang, Xuanyu Chen, Siwei Ren, Xueling Li, Ying Xu, Hao Zhang, Xuemei Li, Evolution of the microbial community in a full-scale printing and dyeing wastewater treatment system, Bioresource Technology, 117 (2012) 155–163.

5. Qingxiang Yang, Wenyu Zhang, Hao Zhang, Yuhui Li, Chunmao Li, Wastewater treatment by alkali bacteria and dynamics of microbial communities in two bioreactors, Bioresource Technology, 102: 3790-3798, 2011.

6. Qingxiang Yang,Florent E. Angly, Zhe Wanga, Hao Zhang, Wastewater treatment systems harbor specific and diverse yeast communities, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2011, 58-59:168-176.

7. Qingxiang Yang, Jing Zhang, Wenyu Zhang, Zhe Wang, Yongsheng Xie, Hao Zhang, Influence of tetracycline exposure on the growth of wheat seedlings and the rhizosphere microbial community structure in hydroponic culture, Journal of Environmental Sciences and Health, Part B, 2010, 45(3): 190-197.

8. Qingxiang Yang, Chunmao Li, YuhuiLi,et al., Degradation of synthetic reactive azo dyes and treatment of textile wastewater by a fungi consortium reactor, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 43 (2009) 225-230.

9. Qingxiang Yang, Jing Zhang, Kongfang Zhu, Influence of oxytetracycline on the structure and activity of microbial community in wheat rhizosphere soil, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 21:954-959,2009. SCI

10.Zhiyuan Lu, Xiao Sun, Qingxiang Yang, Huijun Li, CHunmao Li, Persistence and functions of a decolorizing fungal consortium in a non-sterile biofilm reactor, Biochemical Engineering Journal 46 (2009) 73–78.

11.Yang Qingxiang, Tao Lingxia, Yang Min, Zhang Hao, Effects of glucose on the decolorization of Reactive Black 5 by yeast isolates, Journal of Environmental Sciences 20(2008) 105–108. SCI

12. Qingxiang Yang, Zhenjie Jia, Ruyin Liu, Jianjun Chen, Molecular diversity and anammox activity of novel planctomycete-like bacteria in the wastewater treatment system of a full-scale alcohol manufacturing plant, Process Biochemistry, 2007, 42180-187.

13. Shaokui Zheng,Min Yang,Zhifeng Yang, Qingxiang Yang, Biomass production from glutamate fermentation wastewater by the co-culture of Candida halophila and Rhodotorula glutinis. Bioresource Technology, 96: 1522–1524, 2005.

14. Hong He, Min Yang, Qingxiang Yang, et al., Efficient and quick inactivation of SARS Coronavirus and other microbes exposed to the surfaces of some metal catalysts.Biomedical and environmental sciences, 18:176-180 (2005).

15. Xin Dai, Bao-Jun Wang, Qing-Xiang Yang, Nian-Zhi Jiao and Shuang-Jiang Liu,Yangia pacifica gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel member of the Roseobacter clade from coastal sediment of Eastern China Sea International. Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (IJSEM), 2005, 55(6): 2286-2295.

16. Qingxiang Yang, Min Yang, Shujun Zhang, Wenzhou Lv, Treatment of wastewater from a monosodium glutamate manufacturing plant using successive yeast and activated sludge system.Process Biochemistry, ISSN1359-5113, 40(7: 2483-2488, 2005.

17. Qingxiang Yang, Ayfer Yediler, Min Yang, A. Kettrup, Decolorization of an azo dye, Reactive Black 5, by yeast isolates: Debaryomyces polymorphus and Candida tropicalis. Biochemistry Engineering Journal,ISSN 1369-703X, 24:249253,2005.

18. Mengchun Gao, Min Yang, Hongyan Li, Qingxiang Yang, Comparison between a submerged membrane bioreactor and a conventional activated sludge system on treating ammonia-bearing inorganic wastewater, Journal of Biotechnology, ISSN 0168-1656,108: 265-269, 2004 .

19. Feng Pan, Qingxiang Yang, Yu Zhang, Shujun Zhang, Min Yang, Biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by Picha anomalaBiotechnology letters, ISSN 0141-5492, 2004, 26(10): 803-806.

20. Hong He, Yunbo Yu, Min Yang, Qingxiang Yang, et al. Catalytic inactivation of SARS coronavirus, Escherichia coli and yeast on solid surface Catalysis Communications, 5 (3): 170-172, 2004.

21. Qingxiang Yang, Min Yang, Lianghei Heiand Shaokui Zheng, Using ammonium-tolerant yeast isolates: candida halophila and rhodotorula glutinis to treat high strength fermentative wastewater, Environmental Technology, 24: 383-390 (2003).

22. Qingxiang Yang, Min Yang, K. Pristch, A. Yediler, A. Hagn, Michael Schloter, Antonius Kettrup, Decolorization of synthetic dyes and production of Manganese dependent peroxidase by new fungal isolates. Biotechnol Lett. 25: 709-713 (2003).

23. Zhang Shaokui, Yang Min, Yang Qingxiang, Zhang Yu, etc. Biosorption of reactive dyes by the mycelium pellets of a new fungus isolate of Penicillium oxalicum, Biotechnology letters, 2003, 251479-1482.


1.2005年,产锰依赖过氧化物酶的脱色酵母菌及其应用 第2名 授权发明专利,专利号:ZL02160202.6;

2.2005,一种室温下催化空气中氧气消毒和净化室内空气的氧化催化剂 第4名 授权发明专利,专利号:ZL03136173.0;


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