


2021年6月博士毕业于北京师范大学环境科学与工程专业,2021年7月进入betway官方app 环境学院工作。目前主持有betway官方app 博士科研启动项目、河南省博士后启动项目各一项,发表SCI论文12篇,中文核心5篇。







1、betway官方app 博士科研启动研目:基于同位素源解析的郑洛新区域黑碳气溶胶健康风险评价;




1) Yao, D.; Tang, G.; Wang, Y.; Yang, Y.; Wang, Y.; Liu, Y.; Yu, M.; Liu, Y.; Yu, H.; Liu, J.; Hu, B.; Wang, P.; Wang, Y., Oscillation cumulative volatile organic compounds on the northern edge of the North China Plain: Impact of mountain-plain breeze. Science of the Total Environment 2022, 153541-153541.

2) Zhao, R.; Yin, B.; Zhang, N.; Wang, J.; Geng, C.; Wang, X.; Han, B.; Li, K.; Li, P.; Yu, H.; Yang, W.; Bai, Z., Aircraft-based observation of gaseous pollutants in the lower troposphere over the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. Science of the Total Environment 2021, 773.

3) Gao, S.; Bai, Z.; Liang, S.; Yu, H.; Chen, L.; Sun, Y.; Mao, J.; Zhang, H.; Ma, Z.; Azzi, M.; Zhao, H., Simulation of surface ozone over Hebei province, China using Kolmogorov-Zurbenko and artificial neural network (KZ-ANN) combined model. Atmospheric Environment 2021, 261.

4) Yu, H.; Zhao, X.; Wang, J.; Yin, B.; Geng, C.; Wang, X.; Gu, C.; Huang, L.; Yang, W.; Bai, Z., Chemical characteristics of road dust PM2.5 fraction in oasis cities at the margin of Tarim Basin. Journal of Environmental Sciences 2020, 95, 217-224.

5) Yu, H.; Feng, J.; Su, X.; Li, Y.; Sun, J., A seriously air pollution area affected by anthropogenic in the central China: temporal-spatial distribution and potential sources. Environmental Geochemistry and Health 2020, 42, (10), 3199-3211.

6) Wang, N.; Zhao, X.; Wang, J.; Yin, B.; Geng, C.; Niu, D.; Yang, W.; Yu, H.; Li, W., Chemical Composition of PM2.5 and Its Impact on Inhalation Health Risk Evaluation in a City with Light Industry in Central China. Atmosphere 2020, 11, (4).

7) Yu, H.; Yang, W.; Wang, X.; Yin, B.; Zhang, X.; Wang, J.; Gu, C.; Ming, J.; Geng, C.; Bai, Z., A seriously sand storm mixed air-polluted area in the margin of Tarim Basin: Temporal-spatial distribution and potential sources. Science of the Total Environment 2019, 676, 436-446.

8) Gao, S.; Cong, Z.; Yu, H.; Sun, Y.; Mao, J.; Zhan, H.; Ma, Z.; Azzi, M.; Yang, W.; Jiang, Y.; Chen, L.; Bai, Z., Estimation of background concentration of PM in Beijing using a statistical integrated approach. Atmospheric Pollution Research 2019, 10, (3), 858-867.

9) Feng, J.; Yu, H.; Mi, K.; Su, X.; Li, Y.; Li, Q.; Sun, J., One year study of PM2.5 in Xinxiang city, North China: Seasonal characteristics, climate impact and source. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2018, 154, 75-83.

10) Feng, J.; Yu, H.; Mi, K.; Su, X.; Chen, Y.; Sun, J.-H.; Li, Q., The pollution characteristics of PM2.5 and correlation analysis with meteorological parameters in Xinxiang during the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Prime Ministers' Meeting. Environmental Geochemistry and Health 2018, 40, (3), 1067-1076.

11) Feng, J.; Yu, H.; Liu, S.; Su, X.; Li, Y.; Pan, Y.; Sun, J., PM2.5 levels, chemical composition and health risk assessment in Xinxiang, a seriously air-polluted city in North China. Environmental Geochemistry and Health 2017, 39, (5), 1071-1083.

12) Feng, J.; Yu, H.; Su, X.; Liu, S.; Li, Y.; Pan, Y.; Sun, J.H., Chemical composition and source apportionment of PM2.5 during Chinese Spring Festival at Xinxiang, a heavily polluted city in North China: Fireworks and health risks. Atmospheric Research 2016, 182, 176-188.

13) 陆平, 赵雪艳, 殷宝辉, 张楠, 王歆华, 余浩, 杨文, 王晓丽. 临沂市PM2.5和PM10中元素分布特征及来源解析[J].环境科学,2020,41(05):2036-2043.

14) 田莎莎, 张显, 卞思思, 赵雪艳, 韩斌, 余浩, 殷宝辉, 陈莉, 白志鹏. 沈阳市PM2.5污染组分特征及其来源解析[J].中国环境科学,2019,39(02):487-496.

15) 张显, 田莎莎, 刘盈盈, 赵雪艳, 余浩, 张辉, 陈莉, 王歆华. 沈阳市采暖期与非采暖期空气PM2.5污染特征及来源分析[J].环境科学,2019,40(03):1062-1070.

16) 曹治国, 余刚, 吕香英, 王梦蕾, 李琦路, 冯精兰, 闫广轩, 余浩, 孙剑辉. 北京市典型室内外灰尘中重金属的粒径和季节变异特征及人体暴露评估[J].环境科学,2016,37(04):1272-1278.

17) 冯精兰, 余浩, 刘书卉, 刘梦琳, 孙剑辉. 新乡市地表水体HCHs和DDTs的分布特征及生态风险评价[J].环境科学,2015,36(08):2849-2856.

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