








20236月博士毕业于南开大学环境科学专业,20236月进入betway官方app 环境学院工作。参与国家自然科学基金重点和面上项目等多项课题,在Environmental Science & TechnologyEnvironment InternationalJournal of Hazardous Materials和《环境化学》等国内外学术期刊上发表论文近30篇,其中SCI论文24篇,中文核心4篇,以第一作者/共同一作发表SCI一区论文5篇,第二作者SCI论文4篇,H指数10,授权专利1项(截止20238月)。


Web of Science Researcher ID:JCE-9872-2023;ORCID;ResearchGate;Scopus










1. 国家自然科学基金重点项目:典型传统和新型全/多氟烷基化合物微生物厌氧还原技术与原理,参加。

2. 教育部111学科创新引智计划:新型污染物环境过程与风险评估,参加。

3. 天津市杰出人才项目:新型污染物环境污染过程与人体健康研究,参加。

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:可降解与不可降解塑料颗粒在土壤中的变化及其对典型有机污染物归趋与生物有效性的影响,参加。


[1] Zhao Leicheng1, Lu Yuan1, Zhu Hongkai, Cheng Zhipeng, Wang Yu, Chen Hao, Yao Yiming, Zhang Jingran, Li Xiaoxiao, Sun Zhaoyang, Zhang Chong, Sun Hongwen*. E-waste dismantling-related occupational and routine exposure to melamine and its derivatives: Estimating exposure via dust ingestion and hand-to-mouth contact.Environment International. 2022, 165: 107299. (共同第一作者,中科院1区,IF = 13.352)https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2022.107299

[2] Zhao Leicheng, Cheng Zhipeng*, Zhu Hongkai, Chen Hao, Yao Yiming, Baqar Mujtaba, Yu Hao, Qiao Biting, Sun Hongwen*. Electronic-waste-associated pollution of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances: Environmental occurrence and human exposure.Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2023, 451: 131204. (第一作者,中科院1区,IF = 14.224)


[3] Zhao Leicheng, Zhu Hongkai, Cheng Zhipeng, Shi Yumeng, Zhang Qiuyue, Wang Yu, Sun Hongwen*. Co-occurrence and distribution of organophosphate tri- and di-esters in dust and hand wipes from an e-waste dismantling plant in central China.Science of the Total Environment. 2023, 878: 163176. (第一作者,中科院1区,IF = 10.753)https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.163176

[4] Cao Zhiguo*1,Zhao Leicheng1, Zhang Yacai, Ren Meihui, Zhang Yajie, Liu Xiaotu, Jie Jianye, Wang Zhiyu, Li Changhe, Shen Mohai, Bu Qingwei*. Influence of air pollution on inhalation and dermal exposure of human to organophosphate flame retardants: A case study during a prolonged haze episode.Environmental Science & Technology. 2019, 53: 3880-3887. (共同第一作者,中科院1区,IF = 11.357)https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.8b07053

[5] Cao Zhiguo1,Zhao Leicheng1, Meng Xuejie, Liu Xiaotu, Wu Peipei, Fan Xinyi, Wang Shihua, Jie Jianye, Miao Zheng, Xu Xiaopeng, Shen Mohai*, Bu Qingwei*. Amplification effect of haze on human exposure to halogenated flame retardants in atmospheric particulate matter and the corresponding mechanism.Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2018, 359: 491-499. (共同第一作者,中科院1区,IF = 14.224)https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2018.07.109

[6] Cao Zhiguo,Zhao Leicheng, Kuang Jiangmeng, Chen Qiaoying, Zhu Guifen, Zhang Kunlun, Wang Shihua, Wu Peipei, Zhang Xin, Wang Xuefeng, Harrad Stuart*, Sun Jianhui*. Vehicles as outdoor BFR sources: Evidence from an investigation of BFR occurrence in road dust.Chemosphere. 2017, 179: 29-36.

(除导师外第一作者,中科院2区,IF = 8.943)


[7] Cao Zhiguo,Zhao Leicheng, Zhu Guifen, Chen Qiaoying, Yan Guangxuan, Zhang Xin, Wang Shihua, Wu Peipei, Sun Lifang, Shen Mohai*, Zhang Shaowei*. Propositional modification for the USEPA models for human exposure assessment on chemicals in settled dust or soil.Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2017, 24: 20113-20116. (除导师外第一作者,中科院3区,IF = 5.190)https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-017-9745-3

[8] Cao Zhiguo*,Zhao Leicheng, Shi Yumeng, Feng Jinglan, Wang Shihua, Zhang Yajie, Yan Guangxuan, Zhang Xin, Wang Xuefeng, Shen Mohai, Wang Yuesi*. PAH contamination in road dust from a moderate city in North China: The significant role of traffic emission.Human and Ecological Risk Assessment. 2017, 23: 1072-1085. (除导师外第一作者,中科院3区,IF = 4.997)


[9] Shi Yumeng,Zhao Leicheng, Zhu Hongkai*, Cheng Zhipeng*, Luo Haining, Sun Hongwen. Co-occurrence of phthalate and non-phthalate plasticizers in dust and hand wipes: A comparison of levels across various sources.Journal of Hazardous Materials.2023, 459: 132271.(中科院1区,IF = 14.224)


[10] Rong Lili, Zhao Longfei,Zhao Leicheng, Cheng Zhipeng, Yao Yiming, Yuan Chaolei, Wang Lei, Sun Hongwen*. LDPE microplastics affect soil microbial communities and nitrogen cycling.Science of the Total Environment. 2021, 773:145640. (1%高被引论文,中科院1区,IF = 10.753)


[11] Song Dongbao,Qiao Biting, Wang Xin,Zhao Leicheng, Li Xiao, Zhang Peng, Yao Yiming, Chen Hao, Zhu Lingyan, and Sun Hongwen*.Degradation of Perfluorooctanoic Acid by Chlorine Radical Triggered Electrochemical Oxidation System.Environmental Science & Technology.2023, 57, 25: 9416-9425. (副封面文章;中科院1区,IF = 11.357)https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.3c02025

[12] Cheng Zhipeng, Shi Qingyang, Wang Yu,Zhao Leicheng, Li Xiaoxiao, Sun Zhaoyang, Lu Yuan, Liu Na, Su Guanyong, Wang Lei*, Sun Hongwen*. Electronic-waste-driven pollution of liquid crystal monomers: Environmental occurrence and human exposure in recycling industrial parks.Environmental Science & Technology.2022, 56: 2248-2257. (中科院1区,IF = 11.357)https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.1c04621

[13] Song Dongbao, Qiao Biting, Yao Yiming,Zhao Leicheng, Wang Xin, Chen Hao*, Zhu Lingyan, Sun Hongwen*.Target and Nontarget Analysis of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Surface Water, Groundwater and Sediments of Three Typical Fluorochemical Industrial Parks in China.Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2023, 132411. (中科院1区,IF = 14.224)


[14] Shi Yumeng, Chen Shucong, Xu Ke,Zhao Leicheng, Liu Yarui, Zou Qiang, Zhang Henglin, Zhu Hongkai*, Zhang Tao*, Sun Hongwen. Exposure to nitrogenous based flame retardants in Chinese population: Evidence from a national-scale study.Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2023, 445. 130653.

(中科院1区,IF = 14.224)https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2022.130653

[15] Zhang Shaohan, Cheng Zhipeng*, Yang Ming, Guo Zijing,Zhao Leicheng, Baqar Mujtaba, Lu Yuan, Wang Lei, Sun Hongwen*. Percutaneous Penetration of Liquid Crystal Monomers (LCMs) by In Vitro Three-Dimensional Human Skin Equivalents: Possible Mechanisms and Implications for Human Dermal Exposure Risks.Environmental Science & Technology. 2023, 57: 4454-4463. (副封面文章;中科院1区,IF = 11.357)https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.2c07844

[16] Zhang Qiuyue, Wang Yu*, Gao Meng, Li Yongcheng,Zhao Leicheng, Yao Yiming, Chen Hao, Wang Lei, Sun Hongwen*. Organophosphite Antioxidants and Novel Organophosphate Esters in Dust from China: Large-Scale Distribution and Heterogeneous Phototransformation.Environmental Science & Technology. 2023, 57: 4187-4198. (中科院1区,IF = 11.357)


[17] Yu Hao, Chen Hao*, Zhang Peng, Yao Yiming,Zhao Leicheng, Zhu Lingyan, Sun Hongwen*. In situ self-sacrificial synthesis of polypyrrole/biochar composites for efficiently removing short- and long-chain perfluoroalkyl acid from contaminated water.Journal of Environmental Management. 2023, 344: 118745. (中科院1区,IF = 8.700)https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.118745

[18] Shi Yumeng, Chen Shucong, Yan Mengqi, Cheng Zhipeng,Zhao Leicheng, Liu Yarui, Zhang Bo, Zhu Hongkai*, Zhang Tao*, Kannan Kurunthachalam. Elevated levels of biomarkers of oxidative stress and renal injury linked to nitrogenous flame retardants exposure in e-waste dismantling site: A case study in China.Chemosphere. 2023, 314. (中科院2区,IF = 8.943)


[19] Li Xuelin, Wang Yu*, Bai Wenbin, Zhang Qiuyue,Zhao Leicheng, Cheng Zhipeng, Zhu Hongkai, Sun Hongwen. Novel Brominated Flame Retardants in Dust from E-Waste-Dismantling Workplace in Central China: Contamination Status and Human Exposure Assessment.Toxics. 2023, 11. (中科院3区,IF = 4.472)


[20] Li Xiaoxiao, Yao Yiming*, Chen Hao, Zhang Qing, Li Cheng,Zhao Leicheng, Guo Sai, Cheng Zhipeng, Wang Yu, Wang Lei, Sun Hongwen. Identification of Novel Organophosphate Esters in Lettuces (Lactuca sativa L.): Biotransformation and Translocation.Environmental Science & Technology. 2022, 56: 10699-10709. (中科院1区,IF = 11.357)https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.2c01610

[21] Li Yuhe, Zhang Tao, Cheng Zhipeng*, Zhang Qianru*, Yang Ming,Zhao Leicheng, Zhang Shaohan, Lu Yuan, Sun Hongwen, Wang Lei. Direct evidence on occurrence of emerging liquid crystal monomers in human serum from E-waste dismantling workers: Implication for intake assessment.Environment International. 2022, 169. (中科院1区,IF = 13.352)


[22] Zhang Qiuyue, Li Xuejiao, Wang Yu*, Zhang Chong, Cheng Zhipeng,Zhao Leicheng, Li Xiaoxiao, Sun Zhaoyang, Zhang Jingran, Yao Yiming, Wang Lei, Li Wei, Sun Hongwen*. Occurrence of novel organophosphate esters derived from organophosphite antioxidants in an e-waste dismantling area: Associations between hand wipes and dust.Environment International. 2021, 157: 106860. (中科院1区,IF = 13.352)https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2021.106860

[23] Cao Zhiguo, Chen Qiaoying, Wang Xiaoying, Zhang Yajie, Wang Shihua, Wang Mengmeng,Zhao Leicheng, Yan Guangxuan, Zhang Xin, Zhang Ziyang, Yang Tianfang, Shen Mohai*, Sun Jianhui*. Contamination characteristics of trace metals in dust from different levels of roads of a heavily air-polluted city in north China.Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 2018, 40: 2441-2452. (中科院3区,IF = 4.898)https://doi.org/10.1007/s10653-018-0110-3

[24] Guo Sai, Hua Liting, Liu Wu, Liu Hongxiu, Chen Qiusheng, Li Yongcheng, Li Xiaoxiao,Zhao Leicheng, Li Ruoqi, Zhang Zining, Zhang Chong, Zhu Lin, Sun Hongwen, Zhao Hongzhi*. Multiple metal exposure and metabolic syndrome in elderly individuals: A case-control study in an active mining district, Northwest China.Chemosphere. 2023, 326: 138494. (中科院2区,IF = 8.943)


[25] 曹治国,赵磊成,石玉盟,熊凤吟,冯精兰,樊欣意,郭浩杰,杨帅,赵小曼,王梦蕾,张鑫,闫广轩,沈墨海.新乡市家庭室内灰尘中多环芳烃的污染及人体暴露特征.环境化学. 2017, 36: 463-471.

[26] 曹治国,陈惠鑫,赵磊成,皮运清,石玉盟,任浩,赵小曼,杨帅,樊欣意,李田田,闫广轩,沈墨海,王学锋.室内灰尘中PBDEs的污染特征及人体暴露研究展望.环境科学与技术. 2017, 40: 36-44.

[27] 曹治国,陈巧莹,石玉盟,樊欣意,郭浩杰,陈小平,赵磊成,陈思,沈墨海,张鑫,闫广轩,王跃思.两组人群在不同霾污染条件下对灰尘中重金属的真皮暴露评估.环境化学. 2017, 36: 967-976.

[28] 曹治国,董星依,石玉盟,孙丽芳,赵小曼,杨帅,王梦蕾,赵磊成,闫广轩,张鑫,沈墨海,余刚.3种磷代阻燃剂在室内外灰尘中的粒径分布规律及人体暴露评估.环境科学学报. 2017, 37: 2759-2766.


Zhao Leicheng,Rong Lili, Zhao Longfei, Yang Jintao, Wang Lei*, Hongwen Sun.Plastics of the Future? The Impact of Biodegradable Polymers on the Environment. Part of the The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry book series (HEC,volume 95).(第一作者,英文著作一章)https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-56271-7_466


[1] 一种用于手掌灰尘样品采集以用于真皮暴露评估的手套,发明专利授权,曹治国,赵磊成,张亚洁,张亚彩等.专利号:ZL 2018 1 0857539.7

[2] 一种可以用于采集空气中颗粒物的口罩,发明专利受理,曹治国,张亚洁,孟雪洁,赵磊成.申请号:201810428673.5

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