姓名:彭业娟 研究方向:微分几何 电子邮件:yejuan666@126.com 通信地址:河南省新乡市建设东路46号betway官方app 数学与信息科学学院 邮编:453007
教育经历: 2003.9-2007.7信阳师范学院数学与应用数学专业,获学士学位 2007.9-2010.7betway官方app 基础数学专业,获硕士学位 2010.10-2013.9佐贺大学(日本)系统创新科学专业,获博士学位
工作经历: 2014.1-至今 betway官方app ,工作
微分几何,平均曲率流等 |
主讲本科生课程:《解析几何》、《微分几何》、《线性代数》、《高等数学》 |
1.国家自然科学基金(青年),“平均曲率流中自相似解问题”,NO. 11401178, 2015.1.1-2017.12.31(主持) 2.国家自然科学基金(面上),“完备仿射超曲面的Bernstein问题及其在平均曲率流中的应用”,NO. 11871197,2019.1.1-2022.12.31(参与) 3.国家自然科学基金(青年),“凸几何分析中算子特征性质的研究”,NO. 11801151, 2019.1.1-2021.12.31(参与) |
[1]魏国新,彭业娟*,A note on rigidity theorem of -hypersurfaces,Proceedings A of the Royal Society of Edinburgh,149(2019):1595-1601.DOI: 10.1017/prm.2018.116.
[2]成庆明,彭业娟*, Complete self-shrinkers of the mean curvature flow, Calc. of Var. Partial Differential Equations, 52(2015): 497-506. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00526-014-0720-2.
[3]成庆明,彭业娟*, Estimates for eigenvalues of L operator on self-shrinkers, Comm. Contemp. Math., 15(6) (2013), 1350011-1--1350011-23, doi: 10.1142/S0219199713500119.
[4]成庆明,彭业娟*, Self-shrinkers of the mean curvature flow, Proceedings of differential geometry of submanifolds and its related topics, 4 - 6 August 2012, pp 147-163, Saga University, Saga, Japan, World Scientific, 2013.
[5]孙和军,彭业娟, Universal inequalities for eigenvalues of the Lamé system, Operators and matrices, 7(4) (2013), 905-914, DOI: 10.7153/oam-07-50.
[6]李兴校,彭业娟, Classification of the Blaschke isoparametric hypersurfaces with three distinct Blaschke eigenvalues, Results in Mathematics, 58(2010): 145-172.
[7]李兴校,彭业娟,单位球面S6中的Blaschke等参超曲面,中国科学,40(2010) : 881-900.
The Fourth International Workshop on Differential Geometry, Niji Matsubara Hotel, Japan, March 25--28, 2013.
Estimates for eigenvalues of L operator on self-shrinkers (Speaker, 30 minutes), Geometric Conference in Aso, Aso, Japan, September 22-25, 2012.
Classifications of self-shrinkers (Speaker, 30 minutes), The 59th Geometry Symposium in Japan, Kyushu University, Japan, August 27-30, 2012.
Differential Geometry of Submanifolds and Its Related Topics, Saga University, Japan, August 4-6, 2012.
Complete self-shrinkers of the mean curvature flow (Speaker, 60 minutes), Submanifolds and Quaternion structure RISM Workshop, Kyoto University, Japan, June 25-27, 2012.
The 58th Geometry Symposium in Japan, Yamaguchi University, Japan, August 27-30, 2011.
The Third International Workshop on Differential Geometry, Saga University, Japan, January 17-18, 2011.
betway官方app ,第五届子流形的几何与拓扑学术研讨会,2016年10月.