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2022.1—今,betway官方app 数学与信息科学学院,副教授;

2014.62021.12,betway官方app 数学与信息科学学院,讲师;

2019.92020.3澳大利亚莫纳什大学( Monash Univesity)数学学院,访问学者,合作导师:

Daniel Horsley (国际组合数学Hall奖获得者)








2.论文The Existence of Mixed Orthogonal Arrays with Four and Five Factors of Strength Two


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1. Kejun Chen*,Guangzhou Chen, Wen Li, Ruizhong Wei, Super-simple balanced incomplete block designs with block size 5 and index 3,Discrete Applied Mathematics, 161: 2396-2404, 2013.

2.Guangzhou Chen, Lijun Ji, Jianguo Lei*, The Existence of Mixed Orthogonal Arrays with Four and Five Factors of Strength Two,J.Combin. Designs, 22: 323-342, 2014.

3.Guangzhou Chen*, Kejun Chen, Yong Zhang, Super-simple (5, 4)-GDDs of group type gu,Front. Math. China, 9(5): 1001-1018, 2014.

4. Kejun Chen*,Guangzhou Chen, Wen Li, Regular sparse anti-magic squares with the second maximum density,Linear Algebra and its Applications,457: 12-28, 2014.

5.Guangzhou Chen, Kejun Chen*, Wen Li, Regular sparse anti-magic squares with small odd densities,Discrete Mathematics, 339:138-156, 2016.

6. Kejun Chen, Wen Li,Guangzhou Chenand Ruizhong Wei*, Regular sparse anti-magic squares with maximum density,Ars. Combin., 127:167-183, 2016.

7. Kejun Chen*, Yong Zhang,Guangzhou Chen, Wen Li, Further Results on Mutually Nearly Orthogonal Latin Squares,Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica (English Series), 32(1): 209-220, 2016.

8. Shanqi Pang*, Yajuan Wang,Guangzhou Chen, Jiao Du, The Existence of a Class of Mixed Orthogonal Arrays,IEICE TRANS, FUNDAMENTALS, E99-A(4): 863-868, 2016.

9.Guangzhou Chen*, Yong Zhang, Kejun Chen, Super-simple pairwise balanced designs with block sizes 3 and 4,Discrete Mathematics, 340: 236-242, 2017.

10.Guangzhou Chen, Jianguo Lei*, Constructions of mixed orthogonal arrays of strength three,Sci Sin Math(in Chinese), 47(4): 545-564, 2017.

11.Guangzhou Chen*, Yue Guo, Yong Zhang,Further results on super-simple pairwise balanced designs with block sizes 3 and 4,Advances in Mathematics of Communications,12(2): 351-362, 2018.

12. Shanqi Pang, Wenju Xu,Guangzhou Chen*and Ying Wang, Construction of symmetric and a symmetric orthogonal arrays of strength t from orthogonal partition,Indian J. Pure Appl. Math., 49(4): 663-669, 2018.

13.Guangzhou Chen, Ce Shi*, Yue Guo,Ideal ramp schemes and augmentedorthogonal arrays,Discrete Mathematics, 342(2): 405-411, 2019.

14.Wen Li, Fengchu Pan,Guangzhou Chen*,Construction of bimagic square of order 2u,Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica (English Series),36 (4): 771-789, 2020.

15. Fengchu Pan, Wen Li,Guangzhou Chen*, Bangying Xin, A complete solution to the existence of normal bimagic squares of even orde,Discrete Mathematics,344 (4)112292, 2021.

16.Guangzhou Chen*, Xiaotong Zhang, Constructions of Irredundant orthogonal arrays,Advances in Mathematics of Communications, DOI: 10.3934/amjc.2021051, 2021.

17.Guangzhou Chen*, Xiaotong Zhang, Yue Guo, New results for 2-uniform states based on irredundant orthogonal arrays,Quantum Information Processing, 20(1): 43, 2021.

18.Guangzhou Chen*, Kejun Chen, Yong Zhang, Ning Jiang, Super-simple group divisible designs with block size 4 and indexλ=7, 8,Discrete Mathematics, 344(12): 112592, 2021.

19. Yajuan Zang,Guangzhou Chen, Kejun Chen, Zihong Tian*, Further results on 2-uniform states arising from Irredundant orthogonal arrays,Advances in Mathematics of Communications, 16(2): 231-247, 2022.

20.Guangzhou Chen*Wen LiMing Zhong, Bangying Xin, On the Existence of Regular Sparse Anti-magic Squares of Odd Order,Graphs and Combinatorics, 38(2): 47, 2022.

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