过去几十年 ,我国在传统污染物治理和管控方面取得显著成效 ,但随着化学品生产和使用规模的不断 加大 ,新污染物引起的环境问题不断凸显 . 以内分泌干扰 物 、全 氟 和 多 氟 烷 基 化 合 物(PFASs) 、抗 生 素 和 微 塑 料 为 代 表的典型新污染物在各种水体环境中被频繁检出 ,且种类逐渐增多 ,对水生态安全和人体健康构成极大威胁 . 这些新 污染物在水体中普遍具有持久性或 “伪持久 性 ”, 生 物 蓄 积 性 和 毒 性 ,且 就 毒 性 而 言 ,其 多 具 有 器 官 、神 经 、发 育 和 生 殖 、免疫等多种毒性效应及复杂作用机制 . 然而 , 目前我国在新污染物研究的广度和 深 度 上 还 有 很 多 局 限 ,毒 性 效 应 的全面了解及机制的深入探索亟待加强 . 基于此 ,重点介绍 目前国际上研究较多的 4类典型环境新污染物(内分泌干 扰物 、PFASs、抗生素和微塑料)的特征 、来源以及毒性测试和评价方法 , 为未来新污染物的毒性研究 提 出 建 议 , 旨 在 为水体新污染物的管控提供有益参考 .
In the pastfew decades, Chinahasobtained significantimprovementsin treating and controlling thetradition- alpollutants. However, with the increased use of numerous chemicals, emerging pollutants related environmental problems have becomeserious. Endocrinedisruptors, perfluoroalkylsubstances(PFASs) , antibiotics, and microplasticsarethetypicale- merging pollutants, which havebeen frequentlydetected in variouswaterbodies, along with theincreased species. Consequent- ly, a greatthreathas been posed on aquatic ecosystems and human health. These emerging pollutants commonly exhibitper- sistence or pseudo persistence, bioaccumulation, and toxicity. Especially, in terms of the toxicity, they often have multiple toxicologicaleffects, such asorgan toxicity, neurotoxicity, developmentand reproduction toxicity, immunetoxicity, and soon. However, the breadth and depth ofresearch on emerging pollutants are currently stilllimited in China. A more comprehensive understanding oftheir toxicologicaleffectsand in-depth exploration ofthe mechanisms areurgently needed. Therefore, thisar- ticle focuseson introducing theproperties, source, toxicityand risk assessmentofthefourtypesemergingpollutants(endocrine disruptors, PFASs, antibiotics, and microplastics) which arepopularlyinvestigated worldwide. Thesuggestionsforfuturetox- icity study in emerging pollutants are also mentioned, aiming to provide more useful information for their control in water bodies.
陈联国, 陈青弟 ,胡陈艳
Chen Lianguo , Chen Qingdi , Hu Chenyan
陈联国,陈青弟,胡陈艳.水生态系统典型新污染物的特征与生态风险评估[J].betway官方app 学报(自然科学版),2024,52(4) :22-35.
Chen Lianguo,Chen Qingdi, Hu Chenyan. Characteristicsand ecologicalrisk assessment oftypicalemergingpollutantsin aquaticecosystems[J] .JournalofHenan NormalUniversity(NaturalScienceE- dition) ,2024,52(4) :22-35. DOI:10. 16366/j. cnki.1000-2367. 2024. 04. 22. 0002.
环境新污染物 ;毒性测试 ;生态风险评价
environmentalemerging pollutants; toxicity test; risk assessment