Taxonomic and Phylogenetic Status of Rhinolophus Bats Based on Cyt b Gene Sequence
采用分子系统发育分析方法对菊头蝠科蝙蝠的系统发育关系和分类地位进行研究,以7种127个蝙蝠为研究对象,测定了mtDNA Cytb基因全序列(1140kb),用最大简约法(maximum parsimony,MP)和最大似然法(maximum likelihood,ML)建系统发育树,对菊头蝠种间亲缘关系及分类地位进行分析,角菊头蝠、菲菊头蝠和大耳菊头蝠属于较原始的种类,且彼此间有较近的亲缘关系;大菊头蝠、皮氏菊头蝠关系较近,为较原始的类群;马铁和中菊头蝠关系较近,为后分化的类群.
Rhinolophus bats include one genera and 77 species,and are mainly distributed in both temperate and tropical areas.Based on molecular data,we studied the taxonomic status of Rhinolophus bats.The 1140 kb DNA sequences of mt DNA Cyt b gene from 89 individuals of seven Rhinolophus bats species were obtained.Both of the MP and ML phylogenetic trees showed that the seven Rhinolophus bats species are clustered into two clades,among which the smaller Rhinolophus cornutus is closely clustered with Rhinolophus macrotis firstly;the bigger Rhinolophus affinis and Rhinolophus ferrumequinum,Rhinolophus pearsonii,Rhinolophus luctus are clustered as a clade.In molecular trees,Rhinolophus cornutus,Rhinolophus macrotis and Rhinolophus pusillus,Rhinolophus ferrumequinum,Rhinolophus pearsonii,Rhinolophus affinis and Rhinolophus luctus are clustered as two g roups I and II respectively.The group I and II have relatively close relationship,and with very high bootstrap value.All phylogenetic trees have produced the monophyletic clade of Rhinolophidae.It is necessary to collect more species and use more molecular data to resolve the phylogeny of Rhinolophus bats.
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《betway官方app 学报:自然科学版》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第2期131-134,共4页
国家自然科学基金(31172056) 河南省基础与前沿技术研究计划项目(132300410136) 河南省教育厅科学技术研究重点项目(14A180001)
菊头蝠 CYT b基因全序列 系统发育
Rhinolophus bats Cyt b gene sequence phylogeny
Q953 [生物学—动物学]