



E-mail: 0000-0002-1920-8704



2019/09至今,betway官方app ,材料科学与工程学院;河南省光伏材料重点实验室,副教授2010/08-2019/09betway官方app ,物理与材料科学学院;河南省光伏材料重点实验室,副教授2016/092017/09,新加坡国立大学(NUS),国家公派访问学者2007/09–2010/07,中国科学院化学研究所/北京师范大学,高分子物理化学/有机化学,博士2004/09–2007/06,天津工业大学,应用化学,硕士1998/09–2001/07,郑州大学,化学,本科1990/07–2004/08,北京普瑞特科工贸有限公司,喷墨CTP项目负责人(兼)中国航天集团乐凯华光印刷科技有限公司,工程师。

J. Am. Chem. Soc.;Macromol. Rapid. Commun;Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells.等国际顶尖期刊共发表论文33篇,论文他引710次。申请国家发明专利11项,授权4项。主持完成河南省自然科学基金三项;获河南省自然科学论文一等奖。



1.Ruiping Qin*; 郭得恩; 胡梁浩; 刘志勇; 杨纪恩; 刘海瑞; 姜露露; 蒋玉容; Organic Solar Cells Efficiency Enhanced by Perylene Mono-Imide Phosphorus Salt Cathode Interfacial Layer, Energy Technology, 2020, 8(5): 1-6.
2.Ruiping Qin*; 郭得恩; 马恒; 杨纪恩; 蒋玉荣; 刘海瑞; 刘志勇; 宋健; 秦朝朝, Effect of Molecular Structures of Donor Monomers of Polymers on Photovoltaic Properties, ACS Omega, 2019. 4: 19177-19182
3.Ruiping Qin*. 郭得恩; 李淼; 李光武; 薄志山; 吴继善, Perylene mono-imide dimers enhance ternary organic solar cells efficiency by induced D-A crystallinity. ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2019, 2, 305-311
4.Ruiping Qin⃰, 郭得恩, Tullimilli Y. Gopalakrishna, 李光武, 杨纪恩; 蒋玉荣, 马恒, One step to perylene monoimides and derived alkynyl bridged photovoltaic acceptors. DYEs and PIGMENTs, 2019, 160. 540-545.
5.Ruiping Qin*,郭得恩, Jien Yang, Yurong Jiang, Laser-induced morphology change based on small molecular model compounds photo-detector, Macromol. Res., 2018, 26(11), 973-977.
6.Qin, Ruiping*;杨纪恩; Li, Panpan; Wu, Qiuli; Zhou, Yanxia; Luo, Hongying; Chang, Fanggao, Structure property relationship for carbazole and benzothiadiazole based conjugated polymers, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2016. 2, 145: 412~417.
7.Qin, Ruiping*;蒋玉荣; Zhang, Kaixuan; Zhang, Haoxing; Zhang, Qunying; Li, Meng; 马恒, Synthesis of two D-π-A polymers π-bridged by different blocks and investigation of their photovoltaic property, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2015, 132(10): 1~7.
8.Qin, Rui-ping*; Jiang, Yu-rong; Zhang, Hao-xing; Zhang, Kai-xuan; Zhang, Qun-ying; Chang, Fang-gao, Fine-tuning of polymer photovoltaic properties by the length of alkyl side chains, Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, 2015.3, 33(3): 490~498 .
9.Ruiping Qin; 薄志山*. 2,7-Linked Carbazole Oligomers: Synthesis and Structure-Property Relationships. Macromolecular. Rapid. Communications. 2012. 33 (1), 87-91.
10.Ruiping Qin.; Li, W.; Li, C.; Du, C.; Veit, C.; Schleiermacher, H.; Andersson, M.; Bo*, Z.; Liu, Z.; Inganäs, O.; Wuerfel, U.; Zhang, F. A Planar Copolymer for High Efficiency Polymer Solar Cell. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2009, 131,14612.


秦瑞平; 张浩兴; 张凯旋; 张群英, 两个有机半导体小分子合成方法, 授权公告号ZL 201310129637.6

秦瑞平;蒋玉荣杨纪恩一种薄膜太阳能电池板涂布机,授权公告号ZL 201610317533.1
