


王学雷 博士,教授。男,1963.5.27生,河南林州人。1984年毕业于betway官方app 物理系,1990年获betway官方app 理学硕士学位,2000年获清华大学理学博士学位。现任betway官方app 物理与信息工程学院院长,理论物理专业博士生导师,理论物理省级重点学科学术带头人,河南省学术技术带头人(“555”人才),河南省物理学会理事,中国高等科学技术中心协联成员,美国物理学会协联成员。长期从事物理教学工作和粒子物理方向的新物理唯象研究工作。已取得了一系列有价值的科研成果。到目前为止,已在Phys.Rev.D、J. of Phys、Mod. Phys. Lett Mod. Phys. Lett.等国内外重要学术刊物上发表论文六十余篇,其中45发表在SCI源期刊上。有25篇被国内外学者引用109次。获2002年河南省杰出青年科研基金和河南省高校杰出科研人才创新工程项目,进入2004年河南省高校创新人才培养工程。承担过6项国家自然科学基金项目(其中主持1项)和2项省自然科学基金。获省、部级科研奖励4项,厅级科研奖励3项,出版著作、教材2部。获2004年河南省优秀教师称号。主讲的《量子力学》课程获首届河南省精品课程。
1、高能对撞机上新物理模型的实验检验 国家自然科学基金 (10375017) 2004.1 - 2006.12 主持人
2、 动力学对称破缺与 TeV 物理 国家自然科学基金 ( 10575029 ) 2006.1 - 2008.12 第一参加者
3、 动力学电弱对称破缺理论及唯象研究 国家自然科学基金 (10175017) 2002.1 - 2004.12 第一参加者
4 .在 TeV 能量对撞机上探测强耦合电弱对称性破缺机制的研究 国家自然科学基金( 19905004 ) 2000.1 - 2002.12 第二参加者
5 . B 介子衰变和 CP 破坏中的人工色量子修正 国家自然科学基金( 9575015 ) 1996.1 - 1998.12 第二参加者
6 .人工色理论与顶夸克物理 国家自然科学基金( 19775012 ) 1998.1 - 2000.12 主要参加者
7 .人工色理论唯象研究与新粒子探索 国家自然科学基金( 19375016 ) 1994.1 - 1996.12 参加者
8 .电弱对称性自发破缺机制研究 省 高 校 杰 出 科 研人 才 创 新 工 程 项目 (2002KYCX009)2002.1—2004.12 主持人
9 .电弱对称性自发破缺机制研究 河南省杰出青年基金 (02120000300) 2002.1—2004.12 主持人
10 .河南省高校创新人才培养工程 主持人

1 . New gauge boson production associated with W boson pair via collision in the littlest Higgs model Xuelei Wang, Jihong Chen, Yaobei Liu, Suzhen Liu,Hua Yang,Phys.Rev. D74 , (2006) 015006.
2. Phase transition of finite size quark droplets with isospin chemical potential in the NJL model. Guo-yun Shao, Lei Chang, Yu-xin Liu, Xue-lei Wang. Phys.Rev. D73, (2006) 076003.
3. Study of the single neutral top pion production production process at collider.Xuelei Wang, Xiaoxue Wang, Phys.Rev. D72 ,( 2005 ) 095012.
4. and pair production at the planned colliders in the topcolor-assisted technicolor model.Xuelei Wang, Qingpeng Qiao, Qiaoli Zhang,
Phys.Rev. D71 ,( 2005 ) 095012.
5. Studying top quark decay into the polarized W boson in the topcolor-assisted technicolor Xuelei Wang, Qiaoli Zhang, Qingpeng Qiao,
Phys.Rev. D71 ,( 2005 ) 014035.
6. Detecting the neutral top-pion at colliders.Xuelei Wang, Yueling Yang, Bingzhong Li,Phys.Rev. D69 ,( 2004 ) 055002.
7. Probing a neutral top-pion via a flavor-changing process .Xuelei Wang, Bingzhong Li, Yueling Yang,Phys.Rev. D68 , (2003).115003
8. Associated production of a neutral top-pion with a pair of heavy quarks in collisions.Xuelei Wang, Bingzhong Li , Yueling Yang, Phys.Rev. D 67 (2003)035005.
9. Rare top quark decays t cV in the topcolor assisted technicolor modelGongru Lu, Furong Yin , Xue-Lei Wang, Lingde Wan.Phys.Rev. D68 ,( 2003 ) 015002.
10. Study of a flavor-changing neutral top-pion production process .Xuelei Wang, Yueling Yang, Bingzhong Li, Chongxing Yue, Jinyu Zhang Phys.Rev. D 66 (2002)075009.
11. Production of the neutral top-pion at the colliders.Xuelei Wang, Yueling Yang, Bingzhong Li, Lingde Wan,Phys.Rev. D 66 ,(2002).075013
12. Derivation of the effective chiral Lagrangian for pseudoscalar mesons from QCD Qing Wang, Yu-ping Kuang,Xue-lei Wang,Ming Xiao,Phys.Rev. D 61 ,(2000).054011
13. Pseudo Goldstone boson effects in productions at high energy hadron colliders and testing technicolor models Ling Zhang, Xue-lei Wang, Yu-Ping Kuang, Hong-yi Zhou,Phys. Rev. D 61 ( 2000 ) 115007
14. Reexamination of the constraint on topcolor-assisted technicolor model from .Chongxing Yue, Yu-Ping Kuang, Xue-Lei Wang, Weibin Li,Phys. Rev. D62 ( 2000 )055005
15. Single top quark production in collisions and testing technicolor models.Xuelei Wang,Yu-ping Kuang,Hong-yi Zhou, Hua Wang,Ling Zhang,Phys.Rev. D60 (1999). 014002
16. Multiscale technicolor and top-quark decay.Gongru Lu,Yigang.Cao and Xuelei Wang, Phys.Rev.D56(1997) 135
17. PGB corrections to top-quark production at the Fermilab Tevatron in technicolor model.Gongru Lu , Yang Hua, Jinmin Yang, Xuelei Wang,Phys. Rev. D54 (1996)1083.
18. Flavour-changing Z decay in the one generation technicolor models.Xuelei Wang, Gongru Lu and Zhenjun Xiao, Phys. Rev. D51 (1995)4992.
19. Rare decays of the top quark in the one generation technicolor model.Xuelei Wang, Gongru Lu, Jinmin Yang, Zhenjun xiao,Chongxing Yue,Yimin Zhang, Phys. Rev. D50 (1994)5781.
20. The single neutral top-pion production via the process .Xuelei Wang, Nahong Song, Lili Yu, Jour.of Phys. G31 (2005)1507-1516.
21. Semilepton decay of B mesons into in a technicolor model.Gongru Lu, Zhaohua Xiong, Xuelei Wang and Jinshu Huang,Jour.of Phys. G24 (1998) 745
22. Rare decays of the top quark in the technicolor model with a massless scalar doublet.Gongru Lu,Yang Hua, Xuelei Wang , Jinmin Yang, Wenqi Sun,Jour.of Phys. G22 (1996) 305 .
23. Implications of the top quark mass measurement for the SM Higgs boson mass .Zhenjun Xiao, Jinyu Zhang, Lingde Wan, Xuelei Wang and Gongru Lu,Jour. of Phys. G21 (1995) 19.
24. Does in MSM deviate from the data? Zhenjun Xiao, Lingde Wan, Gongru Lu and Xuelei Wang,Jour. of Phys. G21 (1995) 167 .
25. Rare decay t→cg in the technicolor theory.Xuelei Wang, Jinmin Yang, Xinyi Li and Gongru Lu,Jour. of Phys. G20 (1994)91.
26. Virtual corrections on the vertex from charged PGBs and the new electroweak date.Zhenjun Xiao, Lingde Wan, Gongru Lu, Jinmin Yang, Wang Xuelei,Lipuo Guo,Chongxing Yue, Jour. of Phys. G20 (1994) 901.
27. The effect of top-loop on the coupling of to the gluon-photon.Chongxing Yue, Xuelei Wang and Gongru Lu,Jour. of Phys. G19 (1993)821.
28. The associated production of the neutral top-pion with a pair of third family quarks at the hadron colliders.Xuelei Wang, Lili Yu, Nahong Song,Wenna Xu,Mod.Phys.Lett A10 (2006).
29. The process in the one-generation technicolor model.Xuelei Wang, Lingde Wan, Jinmin Yang and Gongru Lu,Mod.Phys.Lett A10 (1995) 2041.
30. Signatures of the neutral top-pion in collisions.Chongxing Yue, Hong Li, Xuelei Wang,Mod.Phys.Lett.A17 (2002)2349.
31 . Production of neutral top-pion associated with a gauge boson at LHC.Xuelei Wang, Lili Yu, Nahong Song, Xiaoxue Wang, Fengcun Jiang,“ Commun.Theor.Phys”Vol.45(3) (2006)521..
32. The study of the charged top-pion decay processesXuelei Wang , Wenna Xu, Linlin Du,“ Commun.Theor.Phys” Vol.41(5) (2004)737.
33. Single charged top-pion production at the next generation colliders.Xuelei Wang , Linlin Du, Wenna Xu,“Commun.Theor.Phys” Vol.43(1) (2005)133.
34. Detecting Toppion via a Flavor-Changing Single Top Quark Productio Process.Xuelei Wang, Xu Sujun,Li Bing-zhong, Yang Yue-Ling, Lu Gong-ru,“Commun.Theor.Phys.”Vol.38(3) (2002)587.
35. Derivation of effective chiral Lagrangian involving PSGB and vector bosons from QCD.Xuelei Wang, Qing Wang “Commun.Theor.Phys.”Vol.34(3) (2000)519.
36. Derivation of effective chiral Lagrangian for the whole nonet pseudo-scalar goldstone boson from QCD.Xuelei Wang, Qing Wang, Zhimin Wang,“Commun.Theor.Phys.” Vol.34(4) (2000)683.
37. Precision Data and Implications on the parameters of TC Theory Zhenjun Xiao, Shunmen Liu, Xuelei Wang, Lingde Wan and Gongru Lu“Commun.Theor.Phys.” Vol.29(1998)431.
38. The process in technicolor model with a massless scalar doublet Xuelei Wang,Bin Huang,Gongru Lu,Yadong Yang,Haibo Li,“Commun.Theor.Phys.” Vol.27 (3) (1997) 325.
39. The contributions of PGBs in the one-generation technicolor model on the rare decays t→cZ, cγ.Xuelei Wang, Yimin Zhang, Jinmin Yang, Gongru Lu,“Commun. Theor. Phys.” Vol.24(3) (1995) 359.
40. Negative vertex contributions to parameters S and T from charged pesudo-goldstone Bosons.Zhenjun Xiao, Lingde Wan, Gongru Lu, Xuelei Wang,“Commun. Theor. Phys.” Vol.24(1) (1995) 91.
41. The Higgs boson mass in MSM and the new data.Zhenjun Xiao, Jinhai Liu, Jinyu Zhang, Lingde Wan and Xuelei Wang,“Commun.Theor.Phys.”.Vol.24(4) (1995) 447.

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