Puyang Field Scientific Observation and Research Station for Yellow River Wetland Ecosystem, Henan Province
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发布时间:时间:2023-04-28 浏览次数: 11


1、 国家重点项目,黄河下游滩涂碳氮过程及其环境效应研究,419306432020-2024,于飞;

2、 河南省重大公益项目,黄河中下游生物多样性保育和生态廊道建设技术集成与示范,2021-2023,陈广文

3、 河南省高校科技创新人才,黄河流域河南段生境破碎化对生态系统动植物网络的影响机制,2021-2023,于飞;

4、 中原科技创新青年拔尖人才,黄河流域典型生态系统景观异质性对动植物群落格局的影响机制,2023-2025,于飞;

5、 国家青年项目,黄河中下游典型水体CH4N2O溶存与排放时空特征及影响因素研究,2017-2019,侯翠翠;

6、 国家青年项目,重金属污染环境中树麻雀的个性响应及个体适合度研究,322012662023-2025,丁健;

7、 国家青年项目,沉水植物苦草根系分泌物及微生境对铝盐胁迫的响应机制研究,322013812023-2025,蔺庆伟;

8、 国家面上项目,我国东北地区淡水涡虫分类及系统进化研究,322705012023.01-2026.12,陈广文;

9、 国家面上项目,放养蜜蜂对本地植物-传粉者相互作用的影响:以青藏高原高寒草甸植物群落为例,322716042023.01-2026.12,张婵;

10、 国家联合项目,组织再生关键基因的筛选及功能研究—以日本三角涡虫为例,U1604072017-2019,董自梅;

11、 国家面上项目,广东、广西淡水涡虫分类区系及系统进化研究320704272021.01-2024.12,董自梅;

12、 国家联合项目,栓皮栎种子丰度和化学防御对鼠类贮食行为及数量的影响机制,U19041052020-2022,于飞;

13、 河南省优秀青年科学基金,全球变化背景下森林鼠类对栎林树线更新格局的影响机制,2021-2023,于飞。



2、马剑敏 等,《水生植物与水体生态修复》,科学出版社,2011.


Bai XX, Huang YW, Ren W*, CoyneM,Jacinthe PA, Tao B, Hui DF, Yang J, Matocha C. Responses of soil carbon sequestration to climate‐smart agriculture practices: A meta‐analysis. Global Change Biology. 2019, 00:1–16.

Zhang YJ, Yu F, Yi XF, Zhou WW, Liu R, Holyoak M, Cao L, Zhang MM, Chen JN, Zhang ZB, Yan C*. Evolutionary and ecological patterns of scatter‐and larder‐hoarding behaviours in rodents. Ecology Letters, 2022, 25(5), 1202-1214.

Lin QW, Fan MJ, Peng X, Ma JM, Zhang Y, Yu F, Wu ZB, Liu BY*. Response ofVallisneria natansto aluminum phytotoxicity and their synergistic effect on nitrogen, phosphorus transformation in sediments. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2020. 400, 123167.

Hui GY*, Zhang GG, Zhao ZH, Yang AM. Methods of Forest Structure Research: A Review[J]. Current Forestry Reports, 2019,5(3): 142–154.

Yu F*, Wei SS, Wang Y, Li YC, Ma JM, Zhang LX, Yi XF*. Asymmetric effects of rodent-mediatedseed dispersal on co-existence of tree species via seed-seed interactions. Forest Ecology and Management, 2020, 475: 118396.

Lin QW, Wang SS, Li YC,Riaz L,Yu F*, Yang QX, Han SJ, Ma JM*.Effects and mechanisms of land-types conversion on greenhouse gas emissions in the Yellow River floodplain wetland.[J]. The Science of the total environment ,2022.813, 152406.

Ding J, Yang WZ, Wang SN, Zhang HJ, Yang Y, Bao XK, Zhang YM*. Effects of environmental metal pollution on reproduction of a free-living resident songbird, the tree sparrow (Passer montanus). Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 721:137674.

Zhu HL*, Huang YW, Li YC, Yu F, Zhang GY, Zhou JH, Li ZH, Yuan M. Predicting plant diversity in beach wetland downstream of Xiaolangdi reservoir with UAV and satellite multispectral images. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 153059.

Dong ZM, Huo JR, Liang A, Chen JZ, Chen GW*,Liu DZ*. Gamma-Secretase Inhibitor (DAPT), a potential therapeutic target drug, caused neurotoxicity in planarian regeneration by inhibiting Notch signaling pathway. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 781, 146735-146735.

Kang J, Chen JZ, Dong ZM*, Chen GW*, Liu DZ. The negative effect of the PI3K inhibitor 3-methyladenine on planarian regeneration via the autophagy signalling pathway. Ecotoxicology, 2021, 30(9): 1941-1948.

Ding J, Yang WZ, Wang SN, Zhang HJ, Zhang YM*. Does environmental metal pollution affect bird morphometry? A case study on the tree sparrow Passer montanus. Chemosphere, 2022, 295: 133947.

Jin BJ, Ren J, Chen JZ, Dong ZM*, Chen GW*, Liu DZ. Autophagy-related DjAtg1-1 plays critical role in planarian regeneration by regulating proliferation and cell death. Cell and Tissue Research, 2022, 388: 273-286.

Liang A, Wu F, Li CJ, Yu YY, Dong ZM*, Chen GW*, Yu F, Yuwen YQ, Liu DZ. Aspirin inhibits stem cell proliferation during freshwaterDugesia japonicaregeneration by STAT3/SOX2/OCT4 signaling pathway. Aquatic Toxicology, 2022, 247:106158.

Yang YB, Wang L, Zhao YH, Ma FH, Lin ZY, Liu YY, Dong ZM*, Chen GW*, Liu DZ. PBDEs disrupt homeostasis maintenance and regeneration of planarians due to DNA damage, proliferation and apoptosis anomaly. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2022, 248: 114287.

Yu F*, Shi XX, Yi XF, Ma JM*. Rodent-MediatedSeed Dispersal Shapes Species Composition and Recruitment Dynamics in Ecotones. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 9:1911(1-10).

Yu F, Yi XF.Unsung forest carbon sequestered by animal sowers. Science e-letter, 2021.

Zhu HL*, Li Y, Huang YW, Li YC, Hou CC, Shi XL. Evaluation and hydrological application of satellite-based precipitation datasets in driving hydrological models over the Huifa river basin in Northeast China, Atmospheric Research, 2018, 207: 28-41.

Hou CC, Li YC, Huang YW, Zhu HL, Ma JM, Yu F, Zhang XH*. Reclamation substantially increases soil organic and inorganic carbon stock in riparian floodplains. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2021, 21:957-966.

Zhang GG, Hui GY*, Zhang GQ, HuYB, Zhao ZH. A novel comprehensive evaluation method of forest state based on unit circle [J]. Forests, 2019, 10(1): 5.

LiYC, ShaoY, HouCC*, ZhuHL, MaJM, YuF*. Short term effects of preceding crops and tillage methods on soil CO2 fluxes in the cropland of the North China Plain. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies. 2022, 31 (2): 1-7.



于飞,王洋,张岗岗,马剑敏*.游荡型黄河滩涂植物群落多样性及种间联结性分析[J].生态学报,2023,43(6): 1-16.


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4. 沉水植物斑块镶嵌控制着生丝状藻过度增殖的生态方法201610208770.4,2019.

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