
The 26th English Corner was held on the lawn in the central garden, at 9 a.m. on June 16th., 2019. The topic was:How to Borrow and Return Books?We set up the library area and the general service counter area. Everyone did a two-person dialogue show, which one person played the library staff and the other played the borrower. In addition, Mr. Meng took his daughter Annie to our activities, who just came back from America. Annie was a lovely girl and her oral English heard as singing songs.She told us how to borrow books in the United States.

Next, we shared the articles one by one. Annie read an interesting book for us calledDog Man and Cat Kid.

Finaly, that day is exactly Father's Day, so we took the opportunity to express our love for our father.

At this English Corner, we have not only improved the ability of speaking, but also enhance the friendship among friends. We have a wonderful time together. We are looking forward to see Annie next time!
