刘楠:《Journal of Public Policy》摘要翻译
为提升试验班学员关注学科前沿的国际意识,根据学科专业不同,试验班为每个学员分配一个国际权威期刊,对最新文献进行摘要翻译。这些期刊主要集中在政治学、国际关系、公共行政、公共政策、哲学等领域。从本周开始,公众号将每周推出一期。本期是由2014级刘楠同学负责的期刊Journal of Public Policy,共有8篇文章,敬请大家分享阅读。对于翻译不精准之处,欢迎提出宝贵意见,大家一起研讨。
Journal of Public Policy
The Journal of Public Policy applies social science theories and concepts to significantpolitical, economic and social issues and to the ways in which public policiesare made. Its articles deal with topics of concern to public policy scholars inAmerica, Europe, Japan and other advanced industrial nations. The journal oftenpublishes articles that cut across disciplines, such as environmental issues,international political economy, regulatory policy and European Unionprocesses. Its peer reviewers come from up to a dozen social sciencedisciplines and countries across three continents, thus ensuring both analyticrigour and accuracy in reference to national and policy context.
The politics of fiscalconsolidation revisited
Abstract:Thispaper examines the capacity of governments to implement fiscal Reforms in timesof austerity. Unlike existing studies, which mostly focus on gradual policychanges like government spending, this analysis distinguishes betweenconsolidation sizes to examine fiscal reforms. This strategy clarifiescontradictory results in previous research and yields new insights into theunderlying mechanism of fiscal form. Based on an action-based data set thatincludes information about discretionary changes in taxation and governmentspending policies from 1978 until 2009 for 16 advanced (OECD) countries, thestudy shows that left and right governments are equally likely to implementcuts. Strategic considerations play a major role for the timing of fiscalconsolidation, as the probability of fiscal cuts is highest at the beginning ofthe legislative term. When governments reform, the left cut as much asnecessary, whereas right governments take the opportunity to reduce spendingmore.
Agency policy preferences congressional letter-marking and the allocation of distributive policy benefits
Abstract:When allocating distributive benefits, bureaucratsmust balance their own policy preferences with requests from members ofCongress. The elimination of earmarking may provide agency personnel withgreater discretion in the allocation of distributive benefits. Using a noveldata set of congressional letters written in support of their community’s airtraffic control towers, we estimate a model that explores the Federal AviationAdministration’s decision to issue national interest exemptions to continue operationsat towers slated for closure as a result of budget sequestration. Our analysissuggests that members of Congress do not enjoy the influence they possessedunder earmarking when using a new method, letter-marking, to influence howagencies distribute benefits.
The stability of basic income: a constitutional solution
for a political problem?
Abstract:Althoughbasic income has surged in policy interest in recent years, political researchhas not kept up with the debate in the trenches. In this article, we tackle apolitical problem any enacting coalition must face: how to ensure the politicalstability of a basic income over time. We first demonstrate how basic incomeschemes are particularly vulnerable to processes of policy change discussed inthe recent policy feedback literature. We then analyze whether constitutionalizingbasic income in a Bill of Rights protected by strong judicial review wouldoffer a valuable route for boosting basic income’s stability. A carefulexamination of the decision-making process within judicial review suggeststhat, caught up in a dilemma between judicial restraint and judicial activism,anenacting coalition would do well not to rely on constitutional mechanisms asthe sole avenue for ensuring the political stability of basic income.
The three institutionalisms and institutional dynamics:
Understandingendogenous and exogenous change
Abstract: Althoughnew institutionalism has long been criticised for presenting overly staticaccounts of social reality, that critique is becoming increasingly unwarranted.In recent years, historical, ideational and rational choice institutionalistshave produced a rich body of literature on mechanisms and processes ofinstitutional change. This article reviews this emerging literature andconcludes that the most promising avenue for future research is to furtherexplore the potential for combining insights from the three subtypes ofinstitutionalism. In the hopes of encouraging future studies of institutionalchange to engage more explicitly in theoretical integration, this article proposesa sequential approach to combining insights from different traditions andproviding comprehensive accounts of exogenous and endogenous processes ofinstitutional change.
Luckor luxury? Possible corruption in the car registration process in the Czech Republic
Abstrac:Researchinto the detection of fraud and corruption has brought many new insights inrecent decades, partly thanks to a decrease in the costs of data collection andprocessing. However, access to data often remains an issue, especially whenfraud or corruption seems to be present. This article applies a simpledetection method focusing on possible manipulations in the car registrationprocess in the Czech Republic, where car registration plates are allegedlyassigned in random order . As access toofficial data was denied, we collected data in the field for a random sample of5,000 cars, and used this to examine the existence of statistical relationshipsbetween the cars ’estimated price at registration and their registration platenumbers. The results show that cars with intuitively appealing registrationplates are on average significantly more expensive than other cars. Moreover,this price difference corresponds to the relative scarcity of the given type ofregistration plate number, which could be a sign of discretionary behavior inthe allocation of such plates.
The political economy oftax enforcement: a look at the Internal Revenue Service from 1978 to 2010
Abstract:Thisarticle looks at whether political ideology matters for enforcement of thenation’s tax laws. An analysis of the Internal Revenue Service(IRS) budget and personnel suggests that the party affiliation of the Presidentmakes no difference to the overall level of IRS resources. However, there aresignificant increases in the number of IRS employees devoted to criminalinvestigation and revenue collection under Democratic administrations. Auditsof tax returns filed by corporations, individuals and estates are alsosignificantly more likely under Democratic administrations. The body ofevidence points in the direction that while Congress has a greater influence indetermining the overall level of resources available to the IRS, the Presidenthas a more pronounced influence on the allocation of those resources.
The electoral foundationsto noncompliance: addressing the puzzle of unlawful state aid in the EuropeanUnion
Abstract:Electoralinstitutions shape the incentives of governments to rely on distributivemeasures and to comply with international obligations because of themisalignment they may engender between the collective objectives of agovernment party and the individual objectives of its members in thelegislature. We use this argument to explain the puzzle of unlawful state aidmeasures in the European Union (EU). Existing theories of EU compliance andimplementation offer no convincing explanation to their persistence andpatterns. Using data from 2000 to 2012, we find that an increase of districtmagnitude improves compliance. However, compliance decreases with highermagnitude where either party leaders have no control over the ballot rank orother electoral rules strengthen the incentives to search for a personal vote.We also provide evidence for the effects of electoral reforms on compliance.These results have implications for the broader literature on compliance withinternational regimes.
Happytaxation: increasing tax compliance through positive rewards?
Abstract:Cangovernmentsincrease tax compliance by rewarding honest taxpayers? We conducteda controlled laboratory experiment comparing tax compliance under a“deterrence” baseline with tax compliance under two “reward” treatments: a“donation” treatment giving taxpayers a say in the spending purposes of theirpayments and a “lucky” treatment giving taxpayers the (highly unlikely) chanceof winning a lottery. The reward treatments significantly affected taxbehaviour but not in a straightforward manner. Although female participantsaltered their behaviour as expected and complied somewhat more, men stronglyreacted in the opposite manner: they evaded a much higher percentage of taxesthan under the baseline. Apparently, there is no one-size-fits-all approach toboost tax compliance.