许宁博士在International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health(SCI/SSCI)发表论文


Evolution Characteristics and Formation Mechanism of

Production-Living-Ecological Space in China: Perspective of

Main Function Zones

Ning Xu 1 , Wanxu Chen 2,*, Sipei Pan 3 , Jiale Liang 4,* and Jiaojiao Bian 2

1 School of Political Science and Public Administration, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang 453007, China

2 School of Geography and Information Engineering, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430078, China

3 College of Public Administration, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China

4 School of Geography and Oceanography Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China

* Correspondence: cugcwx@cug.edu.cn (W.C.); LJL0715@cug.edu.cn (J.L.)Abstract

Abstract:The main function zone (MFZ) is the major strategy of China’s economic development andecological environment protection. Clarifying the logical relationship between “MFZ strategy” and“territorial spatial layout” is vital to construct regional economic layout and territorial spatial supportingsystem of high-quality development. However, few studies have revealed the evolution process andformation mechanism of the production-living-ecological space (PLES) structure of China’sMFZ overa long period of time. To bridge the gap, based on the land use dataset in China from 1980 to 2020,this study analyzed the evolution patterns of PLES in China’s MFZs using multiple methods andmeasured the formation mechanism of PLES in different types of MFZs with the GeoDetectormodel. Results showed that the spatial structure of China’s national territory has evolved drastically

in the past 40 years, showing significant horizontal regional differentiation and vertical gradientdifferentiation. Ecological space has been continuously decreasing, while production space and livingspace have been continuously increasing, and the evolution of PLES varied significantly in differentMFZs. During the study period, the gravity center of PLES in China all moved westward. The spatialdistribution pattern of production space and living space was from northeast to southwest, and theecological space was from east to west. The evolution of China’s territorial spatial structure wassubject to the combined effects of natural and socio-economic factors, exhibiting significant differencesin different MFZs. Land use intensity had the most prominent influence on the formation of PLES,followed by elevation. The influences of different factors on PLES structure were strengthened mainlythrough two types of nonlinear enhancement and dual-factor enhancement. This study can providescientific support for the optimal management and high-quality development of territorial spacein China.

Keywordsmain function zone; territorial space; production-living-ecological space; influencingfactors; formation mechanism; China

