徐晓攀博士在国际顶刊Child Abuse & Neglect发表论文


Unique and interactive effects of parental neglect, school

connectedness, and trait self-control on mobile short-form video dependence among Chinese left-behind adolescents

Qing-Qi Liu a,*, Wei Tu b, Ya-Fei Shang c, Xiao-Pan Xu d

a College of Education for the Future, Beijing Normal University, Zhuhai 519087, China

b Mental Health Education Center for University Students, Hunan University of Science and Engineering, Yongzhou 425199, China

c Center for Mental Health Education, Guangzhou Panyu Polytechnic, Guangzhou 511483, China

d Institute for Public Policy and Social Management Innovation, College of Political Science and Public Administration, Henan Normal University,Xinxiang 453007, China

Background:Mobile short-form video is becoming increasingly popular among Chinese adolescents.Mobile short-form video dependence has become a pressing issue in Chinese adolescents,especially in left-behind adolescents. Previous studies, however, have focused on general mobilephone dependence and neglected specific types of mobile phone dependence. Few studies haveexplored the environmental and individual predictors of mobile short-form video dependence.

Objective:Based on theoretical and empirical evidence, the present study examined the uniqueand interactive effects of parental neglect, school connectedness, and trait self-control on mobileshort-form video dependence among Chinese left-behind adolescents.

Methods:A total of 618 left-behind adolescents between 11 and 15 years of age completed theanonymous self-report survey. The PROCESS macro for SPSS was applied for data analysis.

Results:Parental neglect was positively associated with mobile short-form video dependence,whereas school connectedness and trait self-control were negatively associated with mobile shortformvideo dependence in left-behind adolescents. Examination of the two-way interactionsindicated that school connectedness and trait self-control could buffer the association betweenparental neglect and left-behind adolescents' mobile short-form video dependence. However, selfcontrolcould not moderate the association between school connectedness and mobile short-formvideo dependence. In addition, the three-way interaction of parental neglect, school connectedness,and trait self-control showed a significant effect on mobile short-form video dependence.The moderating role of school connectedness was stronger for left-behind adolescents with lowtrait self-control than for those with high trait self-control, and the moderating role of trait selfcontrolwas stronger for left-behind adolescents with low school connectedness than for thosewith high school connectedness.

Conclusions:The findings contribute significantly to revealing the complex mechanisms of mobileshort-form video dependence and providing comprehensive and specific practical suggestions forthe prevention and intervention of mobile short-form video dependence among left-behindadolescents.

